Monday, 8 July 2013

Local Business Need Your Help-Local Businesses Are Struggling....

   Join The Local  Business Revolution Now!-2013 Local Promotions Forecast
Local businesses are realizing that the old marketing and promotion model aren't working no more.  The internet giving them no chance to continue the ancient way of advertising.  These guys need your help now because they are going out business due expensive offline marketing.
  This is where you and I come in.  As online marketers we need to take advantage of this help them because they are struggling.  According to

This 42-page report details the movement of marketers toward promotional programs.  It estimates spending for each of the 12 promotions subcategories (coupons, discounts, promotional products, event marketing, licensing, point-of-purchase, sampling, sponsorships, loyalty/retention programs, specialty printing, games and contests, and white paper marketing).  While total advertising reached $244 billion last year, promotions spending skyrocketed to more than twice that level, $584 billion.  The local piece was $169 billion, or 81% more than Main Street businesses spent on traditional advertising. T he report offers analysis on the digital portion of promotions spending, including a full chapter on mobile promotions. Eleven charts and tables display breakouts for total and local-only spending.  There are two appendices that offer market-by-market data for 513 Digital Marketing Regions (DMRs): One listing national levels of promotional ad spending and digital ad spending, and one showing local spending levels. The 7 Top Local Marketers Expose Their #1 Secrets For Getting New Clients FAST! $197 Webinar Event - Yours FREE

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1 comment:

  1. Yes you are right.They need our help.If we are help then they can make more success in their life and getting more things.
